Running/Installing/Setting Up a Minecraft Server on Linux.
Be sure that Your server has at a minimum 1GB of RAM, preferably at least 2GB.
Connect to your server through SSH. You can use PuTTY.
Installing Requirements
First what we should do is to run update on apt-get.
sudo apt-get update
Be sure that Java is installed on your server.
java -version
If you don’t have Java installed, you can download java through apt-get.
sudo apt-get install default-jdk
You also need GNU Screen. This will keep your server running.
You can find more information about that in wiki
sudo apt-get install screen
Install the Minecraft Server
mkdir minecraft
Switch into minecraft directory.
cd minecraft
Download the latest Minecraft Server software files.
Open Screen (-S for sessions title).
screen -S "Minecraft server"
Start your Mineecraft Server with Java.
java -Xms32M -Xmx1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui
The text should look something like this:
2013-04-15 11:21:38 [INFO] Loading properties
2013-04-15 11:22:44 [INFO] Preparing spawn area: 93%
2013-04-15 11:22:45 [INFO] Done (14.625s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
Congratulation ! Your server is now running.
To change your Minecraft Server setings, open the server properties file.
nano /minecraft/
You will need to restart your Minecraft Server if you do any changes in
Exit out of screen by pressing.
ctrl + a + d
To get your screen back, type
screen -r
Good Luck and Have Fun !